AS3 Release Notes Version 7.25AS3 Release Notes Version 7.25
1/4/07 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORSetup Options - An interface has been added for Quick Books. Set the GL code to Q to exercise this option. Printing to PDF Files - You can now set up a printer in AS3 to print to a PDF file which is perfect for emailing reports. Call Customer Support for help in setting up this feature. STUDENT RECORDSAttendance Entry - You can enter a code of T for Tardy or E for Left Early. These two codes will be treated as P for present. You can enter X for Absent. This code of X will be treated as A for absent. Attendance Type - This setup code is in the Student Records Setup Options. However, a new option has been added to the Course Catalog File to enable the attendance entry for a given course to be treated differently from all other courses. Build Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found. Build Selection File - An option has been added to find students who graduated between two dates you request. Change Student ID - The name of the student for whom you are changing the ID number will now appear on the screen for verification. Check Attendance - A utility has been added to Student Records which will check that the sum of presence, absence, and/or make-up in the academic records matches the attendance records which are the foundation for those totals. Class Rosters - A new roster has been added for courses that meet once a week for 15 weeks. A column will be found on the roster for each week. The code for this roster is AIRSRCRE which you must enter in the Setup screen under Student Records / Support Files / Setup Support Files. Course Catalog - A field to define if a course is an internship or externship has been added. When this flag is set to Y, if you take positive attendance and you do not make an entry for a student on the roster, that student will not be marked absent. Course Sections - A course can now meet in more than one room during the course of the week. Place an asterisk in the Room Number field, then fill out a record in the new Room Sections File. Drops Report - The comment field generated from Status Entry has been added to this report. New Enrollments Report - A new report listing enrollments within a date range you specify has been added to the Reports / Scheduling Menu in Student Records. Online Registration - An interface has been written for an online registration software product. The product can be viewed on line: Some custom work would be required for your school. Contact AlaQuest Customer Support for more information. Schedule Entry - If you schedule a student for a future term, his cum attempted will not include the future credits/hours. Student Entry / Personal Information - A new Y/N field has been added as field number 18: WORKING? This is an information-only field. Summary Schedules - Rep and Expected Grad Date have been added to this report. Transcripts - A new version is available for credit-based programs. This version will include a percent present for each course. BUSINESS OFFICE (A/R)Account Card - The hard copy will now print *** DELINQUENT *** if the student’s Delinquent Flag is set to D. Build Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found. PROSPECT TRACKINGBuild Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found. CAREER SERVICESBuild Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found. FINANCIAL AIDEmail Your Disbursement Receipts - An option has been added to the Payment Journal so you can choose to send your receipts via email rather than by hard copy. You can specify to receive a copy of the email in your email mail box. Financial Aid Counselor Scheduling - You can now identify FA counslors to the system and schedule meetings with students for these counselors. You can print the daily schedule for any counselor. ALUMNIBuild Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found. |