AS3 Release Notes Version 7.25AS3 Release Notes Version 7.25
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Setup Options - An interface has been added for Quick Books. Set the GL code to Q to exercise this option.

Printing to PDF Files - You can now set up a printer in AS3 to print to a PDF file which is perfect for emailing reports. Call Customer Support for help in setting up this feature.


Attendance Entry - You can enter a code of T for Tardy or E for Left Early. These two codes will be treated as P for present. You can enter X for Absent. This code of X will be treated as A for absent.

You can change the default during entry from A to P or vice versa by setting the new option in Student Records / Setup Options under Absent/Present. For example, if you want to enter P's for present and have the non-entries become A for absent, place a P in this setup field.

Attendance Type - This setup code is in the Student Records Setup Options. However, a new option has been added to the Course Catalog File to enable the attendance entry for a given course to be treated differently from all other courses.

Build Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found.

You now have an option to select students who took a selected course. Along with the course, you can optionally add the section and/or term code.

Build Selection File - An option has been added to find students who graduated between two dates you request.

Change Student ID - The name of the student for whom you are changing the ID number will now appear on the screen for verification.

Check Attendance - A utility has been added to Student Records which will check that the sum of presence, absence, and/or make-up in the academic records matches the attendance records which are the foundation for those totals.

Class Rosters - A new roster has been added for courses that meet once a week for 15 weeks. A column will be found on the roster for each week. The code for this roster is AIRSRCRE which you must enter in the Setup screen under Student Records / Support Files / Setup Support Files.

Course Catalog - A field to define if a course is an internship or externship has been added. When this flag is set to Y, if you take positive attendance and you do not make an entry for a student on the roster, that student will not be marked absent.

Course Sections - A course can now meet in more than one room during the course of the week. Place an asterisk in the Room Number field, then fill out a record in the new Room Sections File.

Drops Report - The comment field generated from Status Entry has been added to this report.

New Enrollments Report - A new report listing enrollments within a date range you specify has been added to the Reports / Scheduling Menu in Student Records.

Online Registration - An interface has been written for an online registration software product. The product can be viewed on line: Some custom work would be required for your school. Contact AlaQuest Customer Support for more information.

Schedule Entry - If you schedule a student for a future term, his cum attempted will not include the future credits/hours.

Student Entry / Personal Information - A new Y/N field has been added as field number 18: WORKING? This is an information-only field.

A hard copy option has been added to the Student Entry list of choices.

Summary Schedules - Rep and Expected Grad Date have been added to this report.

Transcripts - A new version is available for credit-based programs. This version will include a percent present for each course.

A field has been added to the Degree Codes File (Print On Transcript?). If you enter ’Y’, the degree description from that file will print on the transcript instead of the description from the Major File.


Account Card - The hard copy will now print *** DELINQUENT *** if the student’s Delinquent Flag is set to D.

If the account card is set to sort by term, a blank line will occur between each term.

The student file now includes a letter code (see Financial section). If a letter code is present in this field, when the account card prints, the letter will print at the foot of the account card. This allows you to print a block of text for a specific student on the account card.

Build Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found.


Build Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found.

An option has been added to select prospects from within a range of zip codes. You can enter a starting and ending zip code.


Build Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found.


Email Your Disbursement Receipts - An option has been added to the Payment Journal so you can choose to send your receipts via email rather than by hard copy. You can specify to receive a copy of the email in your email mail box.

Financial Aid Counselor Scheduling - You can now identify FA counslors to the system and schedule meetings with students for these counselors. You can print the daily schedule for any counselor.


Build Correspondence File - If a student address, city, or state is missing, an error log will print indicating these conditions found.