AS3 Release Notes Version 7.24AS3 Release Notes Version 7.24
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County File - A support file for county codes has been added to the System Administrator’s Support File Menu. If you have been making entries in the County field of any of the following modules, you will have to populate the County File with those codes:

Prospect Tracking, Student Records, Alumni, Career Services, and Default Management.

Instructor Grades - A new software module has been added to the AS3 System and is entitled Instructor Grades. The security number for this new module is 117. If you utilize the AS3 Security System, you will have to add a record under Security / Edit Groups. Add the following line after Scheduling Support Files:

Instructor Grades::117

Purged Students Log - On the Support Files Menu, you will now find a display of any students purged (not archived) from the system. The operator code of the individual who purged the student and the date purged are recorded in the log.

Student ID - The student ID number has been removed from several outgoing documents for security reasons. They include: student account card, payment plan invoices, cash receipts, the financial aid award letter, disbursement receipts, and the AR Check. In this new age of identity-theft, a Student ID should not be on a document that a student might discard.


Active Students by Date Report - This new report prints students who were active between two dates you enter. The students must have only an active status during the time period. If you enter the same date twice, you can get an active list for that date.

Attendance Import - ’Present’ attendance records for students can be imported using this new function. Students not in the file will be marked absent. The file must be a flat, ASCII, text file with a required format (refer to the AS3 Manual for the format).

Attendance Summary Report - The student’s major has been added to this report.

Attendance Transcript - The student's phone number has been added to this printout.

Attendance Summary Report - LDA has been added.

Build Selection File - An option has been added so you can build the file based upon a student’s course load (full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, or less-than-half-time).

Class Rosters - AIRSRCR9 has been added; this version has no days of the week heading at the top. AIRSRCRA is new; it is the same as AIRSRCR4 but has a column for Education Code (from the Student Entry screen). AIRSRCRB is a new version of AIRSRCR4 but includes the major of each student.

If a class doesn't meet on a given day of the week, N/A, for NOT APPLY, will print in the date slot at the top of the column.

Consecutive Days Report - LDA has been added.

Course Enrollment Report - The description of the period will now print instead of just the period code. However, if a course meets more than once on the same day, only the periods will print with a message of “Multiple Periods“.

Course Section File - A new field has been added to allow conflicts to exist without reporting such on the student’s schedule.

Database Listing - The Student Database Listing has been enhanced to print much more quickly. This program is on the Listings menu under Student Records / Support Files.

Degree Audit - Re-Entry date has been added to this report.

Drops Report - This report has been enhanced to not count an individual as a drop if he or she returns to school after the drop date, but during the date range of the report.

Email - You can now Cc: up to three addresses when sending email to students. A Copy-To File has been added to the Student Records / Correspondence menu to store the three copy-to addresses.

Erase Grades - This program has been enhanced to allow you an option to erase the final grades or the midterm grades. For schools that use the skill grades and the midterm grades, this would be necessary since the “temporary“ midterm grade must get replaced by the permanent skill grade prior to the end of the term.

Erase Journal - A program has been added to the Attendance Menu which will enable you to erase all the records present in the Edit Journal. Previously, you had to delete each record one at a time to clear out bad data.

Expected Grads Report - A new report has been added to print students expected to graduate between two dates entered.

Future Starts Report - This report can be sorted by Rep or Major, or it can still be printed without a sort.

Graduation Journal and Update - You do not have to specify a term code to run this funtion. If you don’t, it will not matter whether or not a student has academic records to appear on the potential graduation list.

Grade Change End Date - This entry program will now let you change the grade as well as the end date. The change(s) will be recorded in the Grade Change Journal.

Grade Rosters - A new version is available (AIRSRGR3) which prints the student ID and name but no part of the social security number. You can set the new code in the Setup Options of Student Records if you wish to use this.

High Schools - The lookup for high schools, will now find the schools in name order instead of high school code order.

Midterm Grades - Use of the Skill Grade has been changed to Midterm Grades. You will find an entry program under Student Records / Data Entry for Midterm Grades. You cannot enter and save skill grades and midterm grades; however, you can enter midterm grades, print the midterm transcripts, then enter your skill grades at the end of the term and print the skill grades on your end-of-term transcript.

Midterm Grades Report, Midterm Transcript, Missing Midterm Grades - These reports are now available on the Reports-Academic menu under Student Records.

Payment Plan Invoices - Can be addressed to sponsors. See Statements.

Population Tracking - This report will now be followed by a second printout of a breakdown of the targeted population by Education Code. You would have to define your codes in the Education Code support file and assign one of the codes on the Admissions screen when you enter a new student. Examples of education codes are AB (ability to benefit), GD (GED), etc. A third report will then follow showing race code totals by enrollment status.

A Race Code report will automatically follow the Education Codes Report and then a Title IV Report will be printed.

Prerequisites - You can specify a minimum passing grade in the Course Catalog for consideration when you run the Projected Enrollments Report or use the Schedule Entry program. For example, if a student must achieve at least a C- in English 1 before he can take English 2, place a C- minimum grade in the Course Catalog as the minimum grade.

Rebuild Enrollment Status - On the Rebuild Menu of Student Records/Utilities, you can now tell the system to go out and recalculate the enrollment status of students.

Schedule Entry - You can now press F1 to override the Maximum Students for a class blockage.

Sign-In Rosters - This version of the Sign-In Rosters can be used to sign for the receipt of the book(s). The books for the course will print on the roster. The student can sign his/her name and indicate that the books were received or the books were declined. You must specify in the Student Records / Support Files / Setup Support Files / Setup Options that the Sign-In Roster you want to print is AIRSRSI2 or AIRSRSI4 (try them both).

The room number has been added to Sign-In Rosters.

Skill Grades - The name of the skill grade has been changed to midterm grade. If you use skill grades, continue to enter them using Midterm Grade entry. The skill grades will print as they always did.

Starts Report - A new report has been added to print students who start between two dates you enter. If the student was a “no-show“ or a “cancel“ and didn’t re-enter, he will not be counted.

Statements - Can be addressed to sponsors. In Student Entry/Financial, you can set a flag to tell the system to address a statement and/or payment plan invoice to the student's sponsor. The sponsor code would also have to be present on that same entry screen (and be sure the address is placed in the Sponsor File).

Status Entry - A new status type has been added: ’X’ for Cancellation. If you give a student a status code that is of type ’X’, the system will check if the student ever received a grade; if not, his schedule will be removed, his enrollment date, start date, last attended date, and any unpaid financial aid will be removed.

You can now control whether or not a student's graduation and/or withdrawal dates are removed when you post a status. The Status Codes File now contains two fields where you can state your preference.

If you delete a future schedule, the current credits and clock hours will be set to zero.

Status Inquiry - The date the status code was posted (Entry Date) has been added to this inquiry.

Student Entry - Any Aptitude Tests recorded in the Prospect Module for a prospect will be copied into the Test Entry File of the Student Records Module when that prospect enrolls.

If you enter a social security number in the SSN Field that matches that of another student, the Student ID with the matching SSN will be displayed in a message.

On the Admissions screen of Student Entry, the field named TESTING has been renamed DOCUMENTS. It will default to N. A version of the Class Rosters will print an asterisk (*) before the student's name if his DOCUMENTS flag is still set to N when the roster is printed. This will alert administrators if a student has not completed his documents.

If you do a look-up in the high school field, the data displayed will be in high school name order instead of by the 6-character code.

Students By Status Report - The Expected End and Actual End dates for a given status record have been added. This will help when checking students with an LOA status.

Summary Schedules - First Term of attendance has been added to this report.

Term Look-Up - Most F2 Lookups for the term file will now allow you to press F5 once in the lookup view to change the sort sequence. The new available sequence is Term Start Date with the most recent on the top of the list.

Transcripts - A new version, which is a copy of AIRSRTR1, includes the two-character section for each course.

Another new version is available, AIRSRTRJ, which is for clock hour schools. There are no term breaks, only cumulative totals. The Last Date of Attendance prints in the heading of the first page.

A mid-term version has been created, AIRSRTRK. This will print the Skill Grade under a column labeled Mid-Term Grade. This version has no totals for Term or Cumulative.

When you run Transcripts, a new prompt for LEGEND has been added. If you make an entry (of a legend defined in your Letters File), it will over-ride any legend specified under System Administrator/Text Options. You must have Thoroughbred 8.51 or greater for this option to work for you (it will not work under 8.42 or 8.50).

Transfer Entry - If you do a lookup in the College Field, the colleges displayed will be in name order instead of college code order.


Aged Trial Balance - The Net Balance has been added for each student. You should probably rebuild the net balance on the Utilities menu in AR before running this report.

Automatic Billing - For schools that set up their billing charges in the Course Catalog or Course Section File, both of these files now contain a field where you can enter the fees and the AR Transaction Type for the fees.

You can have the automatic billing process create a payment plan for the student. It will take the new charges less financial aid for the term and create a payment plan with the number of payments equal to that found in the AR / Setup Options File. In addition, it will add to the first payment, any outstanding balance from prior terms less any unpaid financial aid from prior terms.

Build Selection File - A new option has been added to include, exclude, or only process delinquent students (Delinquent Flag is set to ’D’).

Cash Receipts - The entry screen and the printed receipt now print the student’s prior balance and new balance.

Clear/Set Delinquent Flags - You can use this new function to clear or set the delinquent flags of all or selected students.

Earnings Report - This report offers the option to sort by Major.

Notes Entry - You now have an option to have the notes you enter for a student appear on the student’s account card.

Payment Plan Invoices - A prompt has been added for Billing Day. If you enter 1, invoices with a due date from the 1st thru the 15th will print. If you enter 16, invoices due between the 16th and 31st will print.

Payment Plan Summary Report - A column has been added to print the student’s payment amount. It will always be the amount of the student’s first payment that will print.

Set-Up Options - You can now control whether or not the End-Of-Term Update program in Student Records will clear the billing flags for the students. The default is ’Y’, but if you wish to disable this function, set the new flag to ’N’.

An option has been added so you can dictate what the default is for the PAYMENT PLAN Y/N flag during Cash Receipts Entry.

Student Transactions Report - This new report will print transactions in student order. You can select which transactions will be included by using the Group code in the Transaction Type File.

1098 Forms - When you run this forms program, you can ask it to place an X in the CORRECTED box. You would do this if you were using a Selection File to run forms for a group of students getting a corrected form.


Birthday Report - This report enables you to choose a month and print a report of leads having a birthday during that month. You can choose to build a Selection File, which then gives you the power to build a Correspondence File for those individuals. With the Correspondence File you can send letters, print labels, and/or send emails.

Enrollments by Date Report - A new report has been added to print all leads who have enrolled between two dates you select. Students who enroll who were not in the Prospect System will not be included.

Interview Entry - The interview number has been changed to allow numbers and letters. This will allow you to enter F or FA to schedule a financial aid interview, or any other type of interview necessary prior to enrollment. You can now leave the Disposition Field blank if you wish.

Mailing Labels - You can choose from one of two labels programs now by going to the Set-Up Options on the Utilities Menu. AIRPTLB1 prints the standard labels and now AIRPTLB2 can be selected which will add “To the Parents of:“ to the address of each label.

Reason Code File - A support file has been added for you to define the possible reason codes that can be used for high school visits. If you have already been entering reason codes in your high school visit file, you must determine what codes have been used and then add those codes to this new Reason Code File.

Leads Analysis Report - This report will now discriminate between media leads and referral leads. The ATTEND category has been expanded to two columns which are labeled STARTS and NO STARTS.

Letters Pending - You can now define when targeted letters you set up will be printed by the system. This is done using in the Prospect Tracking module using the Letter Group File and the Build Correspondence File.

Prospect Entry - If you look up a high school code, the data displayed will be in high school name order instead of the 6-character code.

Purge Prospects - Lead Status has been added as a promt for this function.

Source Code Report - A new report has been added that will look at all prospects who became leads within the date range you select. The source code of each lead is examined and the cost per lead, cost per enrollment, and cost per start is determined. The report provides separate totals for source codes with a cost and source codes with no cost (such as walk-in’s and referrals).


Company Personnel Entry - A table has been added for you to record personnel at one or all of the companies with which you work.

Company Personnel Listing - On the Reports menu, a listing is available for you to print the entries made in the Company Personnel File.

Job Bank - Pressing ENTER for the tickle date will place today's date in that field.


Packaging - The fees can be calculated automatically for you. Enter the fee percentage amount in the Bank File and/or the Guarantor File, and when you hit enter on the Guarantee Agency data element of the packaging screen, the fees amount will be added to the fees data element. The fees percentage used will be the sum of the fees percentage found in the bank file and that which is in the Guarantee Agency File.

Payment Plan Entry - You can now enter payment plans from the Data Entry menu of Financial Aid. Previously, you had to be in the AR module.

Payment Plan Invoices - You can now print payment plan invoices from the Reports menu of Financial Aid. Previously, you had to be in the AR module.

Sallie Mae Import - You can now import records from Sallie Mae using the series of programs found under Financial Aid / Servicers / Sallie Mae.