AS3 Release Notes Version 7.23AS3 Release Notes Version 7.23
12/01/04 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORChange Password - Any user can now change his or her own password when arriving at the second menu of AS3. Default Management - This new software module has been added to AS3. The entrance point will be found on the second menu. In the event you use the security system, the security code for Default Management is 106. Additional information regarding this product is available in the new version of the AS3 Manual, available with the update of your software. Email Field - Previously, you could only see 30 characters of an email field when in screen maintenance. In all modules, the email field now shows all 50 character positions. General Ledger, Great Plains - Only one batch file per day is created. If you update multiple times during a given day, the transactions are added to the file. The name of the file will be GPMMDDYY (where MMDDYY is the date). Multi-Campus - In a multi-campus environment, after you select your campus, the program will not stop and tell you what campus you selected and ask you to press ’ENTER’ to continue. It will just go to the next menu. The campus you selected will be on the task bar, so this extra step is not necessary. Reports & Queries - A data name in the Student Database has been changed from FUTURE-SCHEDULE to LAST-SCHEDULED so that it matches the name of the field on the Student Entry / Academics screen. If you have made any reports or queries using FUTURE-SCHEDULE, you must change the name of that field to LAST-SCHEDULED. STUDENT RECORDSCalculate Expected Grad Date - Clock hour schools will be able to use this new function on the Utilities Menu of Student Records to calculate the expected graduation date of a given major given the starting term. Class Attendance Report - An option has been added to pick only students who have missed a class ’X’ number of times instead of only a percentage of the time. Class Rosters - Roster AIRSRCR2 will now print books on the class roster for each course if the option to print books is turned on under the setup options under Student Records / Support Files. Degree Audit Inquiry - From the inquiry menu, you can now request a degree audit to print for a single student. Edit Journal - The Student ID and the Billing Flag have been added to the journal. Expected Grad Date - A function has been added to the Inquires menu to enable you to calculate a student's expected grad date. For this feature to work, the student’s program must be a clock hour program with the total hours defined in the Major File and the weekly hours set up in the Daily Hours File. Instructor Schedules - Now includes comment from Course Section File. Monthly Attendance Report - Several options have been added so you can tailor the ouput. For example, only include students absent on a specific date. Also, the LDA also prints for each student. Population Tracking Report - The student’s status has been added to this report. Projected Enrollments Report - This report will now examine equivalents when determining whether or not a prerequisite was fulfilled. Rebuild Records - Three programs, Rebuild Academics, Rebuild Enrollments, and Rebuild Rosters have been moved to their own menu named Rebuild Records. You will find the path to this new menu on the Utilities Menu of Student Records. Rebuild Academics - An option to rebuild the Last Time (term) Scheduled has been added to the options. Schedule Printing - A new version is now available that prints the comments from the Course Section File at the foot of the schedule. This version prints Monday through Saturday in grid format. To use it, change your schedule code in the Student Records / Set-Up Options to AIRSRSS6. Students by Major Report - This new listing will be found in Student Records under Support Files / Listings. Active students are printed and grouped by major. Students by Status Report - An option for Status has been added so you can ignore status codes you don't want. Student Entry - When doing a student lookup, you can now type part of the name in the ID field prior to hitting F2 to position the view close to that student. This eliminates having to follow the F2 with F10. Student Name List - The student's current status has been added to this printout. Term Enrollment Report - The start date appearing on the report has been changed from the start date of the term requested to the student’s initial start date. Also, the date range of the report will print in the heading. The following additional information will now print on the report: SSN, LDA, total present, total absent, and scheduled hours. Transcripts - A new transcript has been added which will print the new Long Description field in the Course Catalog File. The name of the transcript is AIRSRTRF and is designed for credit hour schools. BUSINESS OFFICE (A/R)1098 Processing - You can now file your 1098's electronically. A series of ASCII files are created which you can then transmit to the IRS. Billing - If a one-time fee is billed, then reversed so it nets to zero, the fee will be billed again for that student if he returns. Billing Group File - A new field has been added to give control over when a transaction is to be billed: GRAD THIS TERM. If the student has an expected graduation date falling within the term for which you are doing Automatic Billing, the transaction will be billed. This can be useful in charging a graduation fee during the student's final term. Build Student Balances - This utility will now allow you to run it for a single student instead of always running it for all students. Financial Gap Report - This report will tally a student’s charges, financial aid, payment plan, and cash payments for a given term and report any gap (debit or credit). This provides an easy means of finding students not totally funded. Payment Plan Invoices - A cutoff date has been added to future payments beyond the selected date will not be printed. To continue to print all payments of the plan, enter a date far in the future such as 12/31/20. Payment Plan Summary - The report will now ask two dates. Between those two dates, all payments due will be summed and reported as anticipated revenue. This report will also print the last date a student made a payment towards the plan. PROSPECT TRACKINGInterview Schedules - The prospect’s source code has been added to the Interview Schedules report. Leads Analysis Report - This new report will request a group of leads by lead date. The interviews, follow-up interviews, no-shows, starts, drops, and grads for those specific leads will then be tallied. Leads/Enrl’s by Rep Report - The phone number of the lead and the date of his/her interview has been added to this report. Prospects by Rep Report - The prospect’s phone number and interview date have been added to this report. CAREER SERVICESCandidates Hired File - Date Hired has been made a mandatory field. You must now enter the date an individual was hired. Candidate Listing - An option to print candidate notes has been added. Company Listing - The company ID has been added to the printout. FINANCIAL AIDAutomatic Disbursements - ’Certified’ has been added as a selection prompt for picking records for disbursement. If you enter a date, only disbursements with a matching date in the CERTIFIED field will be selected for disbursement. Clock Hour Report - This report has been added for clock hour programs. It will indicate if a student has reached the midpoint in clock hours and also provide information regarding fin/aid disbursements. Packaging - For systems running 8.51 or 8.52 Thoroughbred Basic, a new packaging program will be found on the Data Entry Screen of the Financial Aid module. This entry program is in a matrix format and allows you to see the entire package on the screen instead of one disbursement at a time. You can also add a "block" of disbursements to the screen at once using the block code feature. Payments Journal & Refund Journal - These two journals can now be run for a group of fund codes rather than only one at a time. You must define the group code in the Financial Aid / Support Files as well as add the new group code to the Fund Code File. Set-Up Options - An option is now available to allow you to turn on/off the automatic calculation of the next award number for a student when doing packaging. Unpaid Awards Report - A prompt has been added to allow you to run this report for one or all majors. Another prompt, CERTIFIED, has been included so you can print only disbursement records that have a certified date or records with no certified date. LIBRARYImport Collection File Records - An import feature has been added to AS3 so you can import Collection File records from a flat ASCII file to your Library module. Call AlaQuest support for instructions and details for this procedure. BOOK SALESCourse-Books List - This new report can be printed for a given term. All books for each course section of that term will be printed (including groups of books). Set-Up Options - An option has been added to turn on/off the updating of inventory when the Update Book Transactions program is used. ALUMNIInquiry - You can now view Alumni Master Records from the Inquiry Menu. Import Alumni Records - You can import changes to existing alumni records if the changed records are in a ASCII File. The text file must position the data elements in a pre-determined order as outlined in the Database Manager under Dictionary/Formats/AIFALMF1. The data must be in csv format, that is, comma-delimited. The name of the file should be eight characters or less, all caps, with no extension. View Import Records - You can view records that are being imported but not yet updated to the Alumni File. Import Errors Report - This report will tell you what records could not be imported and the reason why. Update Alumni Records - This function moves the information from the view to the Alumni Master File. |