AS3 Release Notes Version 7.22AS3 Release Notes Version 7.22
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ID Pictures - With image software like KODAKIMG.EXE, you can now display a picture of the student in Student Entry and Student Inquiry. Under Support Files / System Administrator Options, place the Picture ID Path, Viewer Path, and Picture File Extension. In Student Entry/Demographics, the name of the student’s picture file must be inserted.

Send Email - Under Windows NT, 2000, and 2003, you can now send emails to students, however, you must have access to an SMTP server via a TCP/IP connection. This is accomplished by placing the email in the Letters Entry database on the Correspondence menu. Secondly, you must run the Build Correspondence File program which will select the students to receive the email. Then, by running the Send Email program on the Correspondence Menu, the emails will be sent.

The following modules have this new feature: Prospect Tracking, A/R, Student Records, Career Services, and Alumni.


Attendance - The Attendance Menu has been split into two menus. The first attendance menu handles programs related to entering attendance; the second is for reports.

Build Selection File - A feature which will allow you to update a code or number to the Student Group field has been added. The Student Group data element can be found in Student Entry / Admissions. Using this build utility, you can link the students found through this process of posting a grouping number to the Student Group field.

Class Roster - A new version is available. The difference is that it does not include columns for Saturday and Sunday. There is also a place for the instructor to sign the roster, and room for his/her initials at the foot of each daily column. Under the Set-Up Options for Student Records, enter the following name for the roster: AIRSRCR3.

Three other versions are also avilable: AIRSRCR4 (Mon-Fri), AIRSRCR5 (Mon-Sat), and AIRSRCR6 (Mon-Sun). These are like AIRSRCR3 (see above) but the dates will print at the top of each column instead of __/__.

The room number has been added to all versions of the class roster.

Two new versions have been added which will include the student’s phone number: AIRSRCR7 is the same as AIRSRCR6 but has the SUN column replaced with the student's phone number.

AIRSRCR8 is the same as AIRSRCR6 but has two lines per student. The second line will print the student’s phone number and major.

Degree Audit - The student's sponsor code has been added to this printout.

Future Starts Report - The telephone number has been added for each individual who prints on the report.

Grade Roster - A new program is available for posting grades. The student names will not print. In one version, the student ID and last four digits of the SSN print; the other version will not include the student ID (only the last four digits of the SSN. The version you prefer is designated under STUDENT RECORDS / SUPPORT FILES / SETUP SUPPORT FILES / SET-UP OPTIONS.

History Edit/Make-up - You now have the option to input the date attendance was made up by the student. This date now prints on the Attendance Transcript, which is the hard copy of Attendance Inquiry.

Instructor File Look-Up - This list now brings up instructors in the order of the last name instead of the instructor code.

Last Date of Attendance Report - A new report has been added to print students who are attending, or recently attended. Their last date of attendance is printed in addition to other dates such as the grad date, LOA date, and withdrawal date. This report can be found on the Attendance Menu.

Monthly Attendance Report - This new report is restricted to a single month’s attendance for one or more students. It will be found on the Attendance Menu. It will print each student on a single line with the following code appearing:

A = The student missed all classes on this date.
P = The student was present for all classes on this date.
# = A digit represents partial attendance on this date.
F = A fraction (less than one) of partial attendance on this date.
N = No Show (will remain on report for 30 days).
W = Withdrew (will remain on report for 180 days).
G = Graduate (will remain on report for 180 days).
X = Beyond the last date of attendance that has been updated.
- = No attendance taken for this date, or not scheduled for this date.

Reports - The student selection on some of the reports has been changed. You will have an option to enter a single student, a range of student names, a range of student ID’s, or to utilize a Selection File.

Schedule Entry - When at the section (SC) field of entering a course, F2 and F3 have been switched. F2 will bring up sections available in the Course Section File and F3 will display a list of valid section codes.

If a student has a withdrawal date but a more recent re-entry date, scheduling will not be prevented.

Schedule Entry and Modify Student Schedules will now write a term code to a data element entitled Last Scheduled. This field will be found in Student Entry / Academics. Each time a student is scheduled, the term code is written here. This will enable you to see students who have a future schedule.

Status Entry - When entering a Type R status (student returning), the system will search for all status records for the student that have the Non-Attending flag set to Y and have no End Date and will set the End Date to one day prior to the starting date of the re-entry.

The name ACTUAL END DATE has been changed to LOA END DATE since this is when this data element is used.

When graduating a student, if the student has a withdrawal date or a completion date, those dates are cleared out. This will also happen if you use Graduation Journal/Update to graduate your students.

Student Entry - On the Financial Screen of Student Entry, you can now enter a comment. This comment can be the comment that ends up on the student account card when tuition billing is done (see AR Set-Up Options). Or, it can be an information-only comment that does not go anywhere.

On the Admissions Screen, Testing, Transcripts, and Placement will not default to ’Y’; you can make any entry or leave these fields blank.

On the Demographics screen, you can place the file name of a student’s picture. See System Administrator for details of setting up this capability.

Student Name Listing - This report can be run for more than one campus in a multi-campus environment. Simply give each campus a group code in the campus file (System Administrator), then choose the campus group for which you want the listing when you run this report.

Transcripts - A new version is available for clock hour schools. This version reports attempted hours, earned hours, and hours present.

Put the code AIRSRTRD in your Set-Up Options under Student Records.

You can now control whether or not the transcript will sort a student’s academic records by Major. This setup option can be found under Student Records / Support Files / Setup Support Files / Setup Options.

Transfer Entry - This program will now ask for the total absent and total present for a course you enter (as transfer credits or for posting historical academic records). The total attendance entered will be given the same date as the first date of the term.


A/R Aged Trial Balance - This report can be run for more than one campus in a multi-campus environment. Simply give each campus a group code in the campus file (System Administrator), then choose the campus group for which you want included when you run this report.

Agency Report - This report has been modified to request one or all collection agencies to be included in the output.

Net Balance - You can now run an update from the A/R Utilities Menu that will calculate a student’s net balance and write it to the student’s database record. The number can then be viewed under A/R, Data Entry, Student Information. This number is not used by the system, but will be helpful for users who write their own reports and queries.

Reports - The student selection on some of the reports has been changed. You will have an option to enter a single student, a range of student names, a range of student ID’s, or to utilize a Selection File.

Set-Up Options - A new feature is available to have Automatic Billing use the comment found in Student Entry on the account card when tuition billing is done. The flag to control that process will be found here.

You can select if you would like the individual unapplied financial aid transactions to print in the heading of the statement instead of only the total unapplied financial aid.

Statements - You now have a setup option which will allow unapplied financial aid transactions to print in the heading of the statement (before the AR transactions).

1098T’S - A new version of the output is available and is suited for downloading to a flat text file. Put the name of the report, AIRAR9T3, in your Accounts Receivable / Support Files / Set Up Options and the new version will run. It prints one line per student. Select RS as your printer, then save it as a text file, and you will see your data in columns when viewed with another product such as Excel.


Build Correspondence File - Another option has been added to this process: Tickle Date Range. Now you can select leads that have a tickle date within a date range you choose.

You can now build the correspondence file for high schools instead of prospects. Enter an ’H’ in the Process By field when running this function. You will also have an option to select one or all counties.

Data Checker - A utility has been added to prospect tracking that you can run to check the validity of your data in this module. This will be found on the Utilities menu of Prospect Tracking.

Do Not Call List - This new listing has been added to the Prospect Reports Menu. It will print any prospect who's Best Time To Call field is set to ’N’.

Personnel Codes - A support file has been added for personnel codes you use in the Contacts File. The Contacts File is used to report contacts you make at high schools. You will find the Personnel Codes File on the Prospect Tracking / Data Entry / High Schools Menu.

Prospect Entry - Best Time To Call field now allows a code of ’N’ for DO NOT CALL.

A second pop-up screen has been added: Enrollment Forms. When the cursor gets to this field (39), you can press F3 to bring up the Enrollment Forms Screen. The definition (names of fields on the screen) must be input by your system administrator or AlaQuest Support. The purpose of this screen is to track forms required by a new applicant.

Prospect Work Sheets - Best Time To Call flag is now printed on this report. The report now prints any future or prior interviews and all interview notes.


Counselor File - You will now find this support file on the Career Services / Support Files Menu. Note that it is also in Student Records (the same file is used for both modules).

Externship - This data entry program is now available on the Career Services Data Entry Menu. Previously, it only existed within Student Records. The same process is now available in both places.


Award Letters - The award letters now print in name order instead of being ordered by student ID. Also, you can run an award letter for a single student now instead of only a range of names.

FA Receipts - The optional date entered by the operator when the Payments Journal is run, will now print on the receipts instead of always the date stored with the transaction.

Interview Schedules - Type F interviews (Financial Aid) will print on this new report in date and time order.