AS3 Release Notes Version 7.22AS3 Release Notes Version 7.22
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General Ledger Interface - An option is now available to update the General Ledger of Great Plains Software. This interface can be turned on under System Administrator / Support Files / Options.

HotKey - Use of the HotKey (CTLR/P) as a choice on the AS3 Menu has been removed. There was no way to limit its use to only some operators with it on the menu. Each operator is given use of CTRL/P HotKey in the Operator Code File. So, to remove a user's use of the HotKey, blank out that data element in the Operator Code File.

Mail - The mail option has been added to the HotKey menu. This enables you to remove it from the first menu and only permit users with HotKey privileges to use the Mail option.

Text Blocks - Under Support Files / Text Options, you can add a block of text for Statements, Book Store Cash Invoices, and Book Store Charge Invoices.


Academic Records Inquiry - The instructor code has been added to this inquiry screen.

Attendance Transcript (Inquiry Hard Copy) - A different version will print if the record in the Major File has a ’K’ (clock hour program) in the GPA field. This new version will report clock hours scheduled and completed.

Class Attendance Report - Now includes an absent rate for each course.

Daily Hours File - This new file can be used by clock hour institutions to calculate the expected midpoint and expected graduation date. There is also an option to calculate the course end date. See the AS3 manual for more details.

Degree Audit - Expected Grad Date, Student ID, and Major Code now print on this report. At the bottom of the report (Repeats, Failures, and Other Courses), the ’Fulfilled With’ will not print any course, since this should always be the same as the course on the left anyway.

Graduation Journal and Update - A list of potential graduates will appear on the screen. hey will be marked for graduation. If a student is not to graduate, change the Y flag to N. You will receive a printout prior to the option to update. The Document Assignment File will be examined to determine the status code to post for the graduation.

This new feature can replace using the Status Entry program to post your graduates. You will find this program in Student Records on the Utilities Menu.

Maximum Completion Report - A report has been added to find students who have exceeded (or are approaching) the maximum amount of time they are permitted to study in a program. It will also find students with enough credits or hours to graduate and who have not been flagged as graduated.

Midpoint Report - This new report will print students who have an expected midpoint date that falls between two dates entered by the operator. You can build a Selection File with the output.

Population Report - Now includes summary totals for age groups as required by IPEDS. Also, this report will now recognize if an LOA status record has an End Date; if it is prior or equal to your terminal’s date, the LOA will be ignored and the student will be considered in school.

Schedule Printing - Conflict processing has been improved so that two courses meeting within the same term with start and end dates that don’t overlap will not be reported as conflicts.

Sign-In Rosters - A new form of the class roster has been added. This program will print one page for each course and includes columns for the student to sign in and sign out and to write the in/out times.

Student Entry - Under the Admissions section, a new data element, Maximum Completion has been added. If the Daily Hours File is used, this field will be populated automatically. Otherwise, you should populate this field when adding a student. The Maximum Completion Report will search for students who are approaching this date or who have exceeded it.

Student Schedules - A new version (AIRSRSS5) is available that will print the course start and end dates. Also, conflict messages are not printed. This version is ideal when mini courses occur within a term.

Students by Status Report - An option has been added to print for a selected Admin Rep code. This will enable a rep to see how the students he enrolled are doing (grads, drops, etc.).

Summary Schedules Report - Total credits has been added to the grand totals of this report.

Instructor Roll Books Report - This report prints one page per course for the term selected. Each student will appear on one line of the report with an A in the date column if absent and a P if present. An instructor can see all his or her attendance marks for the entire term for a class on one sheet of paper. You must use landscape printing when running this function.

Transcript - A new version of the transcript is available; it has credits but not clock hours. It also has a column for quality points. It does not print the school name in the heading, so you must use letterhead paper. To use it, put AIRSRTRA in the transcript data element under Student Records / Support Files / Setup Support Files / Setup Options.


1098T Filing - You can now build an ASCII file to download to the IRS in the event you are required to file electronically. The entrance to this menu will be found under Accounts Receivable / Support Files.

Cash Receipts Entry - You can no longer flag a payment as being applied to a payment plan if the student does not have a record in the Payment Plan File. When this data entry error occurred, it was resulting in a student’s having a negative payment plan balance.

Journals - You will now receive your printout before you have to answer the UPDATE question.

Monthly Check Register - The Tuition Adjustments menu now contains a new report that will print all checks updated by the Register/Update program. This report can be used to reconcile your bank account at the end of the month. It prints in check number order.

Monthly Check View - Under Tuition Adjustments, you can flag a check as being returned from the bank. The Monthly Check Register will give you a total of outstanding checks.

Payment Plan Summary Report - An option has been added so you can update a student’s delinquent flag on the Student Information Screen under AR / Data Entry. If the student is past due on any portion of one or more payments, the delinquent flag will be set to D.

Statements - In addition to the single line of text that is currently available to print at the foot of the statement, you can now add a block of text to be printed under the footnote. You can enter the block of text under System Administrator / Support Files / Text Options.


High School Enrollments Report - This new report prints the total enrollments associated with each high school. An enrollment is added to the high school when Student Entry is done and an enrollment date is entered and a high school code is present.

High School Tracking - From the Data Entry Menu, you can now choose High Schools. This choice will bring you to a new menu from where you can track rep visits and contacts with high schools.

Prospect Entry - If a duplicate phone number is entered, all prospects with a matching phone number will be displayed on the screen in a view instead of only the first person found with the same number.

Prospect Work Sheets - This new report on the Prospect Reports Menu will print one page per prospect and will include demographics, comments, and prior mailings sent to the lead. Since they print in tickle date order, the report is ideal for rep/lead contact.

Rep Visit Report - This report tracks rep visits to high schools between two dates. You can specify one high school or run the report for all schools.


Available Jobs Report - A feature has been added to print only available jobs that have a tickle date within the date range chosen by the operator.

Hired Report - An option has been added to print any job notes with any job appearing on the report.

Candidate Entry - The School Code field is now properly linked to the High School File rather than the College File.

Candidate Listing - This report now has many options so you can tailor the output to the candidates desired.

Company Contacts - A new table has been added for you to track your contacts with employers. The contact type is user-defined so you can create codes to indicate the type of contact represented by the record. A report has also been added to print the contacts, including the notes.

Company Profile Report - This new report will print information about an employer, including the company notes, related jobs, and job notes.


Fund Code File - A new field has been added that you will have to populate since it will control whether or not student receipts will print when the Payments Journal is run. The flag in the FA Set-Up Options for this function is not longer present.

Journals - You will now receive your printout before you have to answer the UPDATE question.

Refund Entry - At the Award Number field, you can now press F2 to lookup available refunds within the award year and fund code you have chosen.

Payments Journal - Student receipts will only print if the new Receipts Flag is set to ’Y in the Fund Code File.

Payments Report - The term code has been added to this report for each transaction printed.


Library Search - A new option has been added to the AS3 menu to allow the user to search items in the school’s library. There is also an entry on the Library menu for the same choice. The purpose of having the choice on the AS3 menu is that you can define an operator code with no permissions. A student could then only get to the Library Search program. See Security in the AS3 Manual for an example of setting this up.


Book Sales Entry - This new entry program allows you to sell books from the book store rather than as a function of Schedule Entry. The program works with an optional bar code scanner in the event your books include a bar code. An invoice prints for the student. If the transaction is a cash transaction, a debit and credit will appear on the student’s account card; if the student charges the books only a debit reaches the account card.

Book File - Fields have been added for bar code scanning. Also, a mark-up percentage field will now help you calculate the selling price based upon the cost.

End-Of-Term Update - This program has been added to clear the ’Sold This Term’ field in the Book File. It can be run at any time, and will only clear this one data element.

Daily Sales Journal - This report prints the daily activity in the book store. Enter the same date twice for a daily report; otherwise, enter any two dates to widen the scope of the report. The order of the output is sorted by cash sales and charge sales.

Inventory Adjustments - A program has been added to make adjustments to the Quantity On Hand field of the records in the Book File. This program is most helpful when taking a physical inventory. A report will follow the entry, showing the adjustments.

Monthly Sales Journal - This report prints all activity in the book store within the dates selected. The order of the output is sorted by taxable sales and non-taxable sales.

Receipts Entry - New books received can be posted using this new entry program. Quantity on order will be decreased and quantity on hand will be increased.

Reorder Report - A new report has been added to aid in finding books which should be reordered. The item’s quantity on hand is added to the item’s quantity on order. If the sum of these two numbers is less than or equal to the reorder quantity, it will be printed on the report. You will have to populate this new field in the Book File (reorder quantity) for this report to function.

Set-Up Options - This setup screen enables you to control the invoice number used by the system.

Transactions Report - Now includes the student name.