
Key Benefits
- Reduce labor hours required to schedule students into rooms.
- Provide students and prospects with room availability information.
- Reduce errors and save time by automatically posting room charges to Accounts Receivable.
- Provides immediate information regarding a student's room and roommates.
Key Features
- Automatically or manually schedule students into rooms.
- Integrated with Accounts Receivable to automatically post room charges to the Billing Journal, and then to the student ledger card.
- Multiple schedules can be processed simultaneously. This allows you to generate an upcoming schedule while maintaining a current schedule.
- Rooms and students are classified by gender, smoking, and bedtime preference.
- Utilities enable you to copy rooms and students from one term to the next.
- Integrated with other modules, which eliminates the need to re-enter basic student information.
Key Reports
- Available Rooms Report
- Unscheduled Students Report
- Scheduled Students Report
- Students by Location
- Students by Parking ID